Lima SDR

This blog will show the progress of my Lima SDR project.

For those of you who are not familiar with this kit, here is some background info.

Lima SDR is a Software Defined Radio transceiver for the HF bands, designed by Bernd Wehner, DL9WB. It uses a sound card as radio interface to code and decode CW and Phone signals. The output is about 1W from the basis module. It is somewhat comparable with the Softrock SDR kits, and has the same interface to the SI570 frequency module. I started it in 2010. It worked more or less straight away, and then I lost interest…. A couple of years later I picked it up again, removed some layers of dust and decided to finalize it, boxing it, adding power supply, external sound card, USB hub, control logic and finally a beefy power amp with suitable low pass filters. This blog describes the progress of this work.