Stage 1. Building the unit

Back in 2010, there was no kit available, at least not in the Netherlands. You could order the PCB’s directly with Bernd, and Reichelt in Germany did have a kit with all the electronics available. Unfortunately, at that time Reichelt would not deliver to the Netherlands.
So I had to order all the components at other companies such as Conrad and Farnell. The Si570 was supplied by SDRkits (

The first problem I encountered was that I could not find a certain type of large unipolar capacitor, needed in the transmit circuit. At least not in a size that would fit on the PCB. I decided to use bipolar (tantalum) capacitors instead, mounted anti-series. The capacitance value was twice as high, and due to the series connection, the resulting total capacitance was about what it should be. I had to add a bleeding resistor to ground at the middle point, to avoid damage due to wrong polarity.

Apart from that, there were no major problems with assembling the unit.